Super busy. Hong Leong Bank is making me crazy. Literally.
Last night I broke down in front of my colleague
at work because I could not take it anymore. This was the same reason why I chose to run away from a conservative scientific or methodological school t0 artistic world almost 3 years ago and I did the same thing last night. I decided to attend CHAI's the Art Instinct Series hosted by Instant Cafe Theatre Company. It was such a great talk from my new buddy, Jit Murad, and the lovely Jo Kukathas.
It's an essential talk if you are doing creative
work for living or just for hobby. Well, in fact, everything you do your life involves creative thinking. Jit gave a such revealing approach in where to start and how to develop it. It has always started with "Self", for Jit. Years ago, I had an elaborate chat with Yasmin o
n how to

create an art. We both came to an agreement that it's gotta be from "yourself". Jit's speech approved our agreement. He went on and on telling stories on how he created his work reflecting his personal life. He has a quite interesting life, according to one fella, but, not really for me having see
n different characters in my life, to be translated in his work. What fascinates me is the transition point, from reality to fanciful works. He was telling a story where he started to draw a star then make circles around it, which then looked like tornados, lonely ones. It then was transformed into a story where Jit was the stars and people around him are the tornados. There you go. You start it from your"self" then develop it, which also around your"self".
Then, Jo, took the lead. The transition point in Jit's story was explained in Jo's talk. She has such

a brilliant way of triggering creative impulses. According to her the ability to open your eyes to
see things, putting yourself the least judgmental position, and connect the dots appear in of you.
This exercise is determined on your sense of curiosity, which is sadly, often, being "blocked" in today's society, especially in Malaysia. Education, in its bad practice; and, the most dangerous and has been alarmingly increased, self doubt. This is actually a great advantage for me for having superstitious trait. It leads me to the point of creating things out of nowhere. Trying to see things a A LOT of different ways and not afraid of being bold to the point where people would ridicule. In the presence of creative people, this would not happen, but, then again, Self Doubt and Education.
Jit and I had a quick chat before I took off. A Northwestern graduate in Urban Planning and Sociology, this funny guy had only one thing to say to me, be brave and always trust your instinct.
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