I know it has been a while since the last post. It's funny that you're afraid of "saying" things online so that it'll come out properly giving the right impression to those who read it. Facebook stati, Tweets, FourSquare or even posts on your blogs. I get really cautious especially not having a full grasp of who are those people reading it. Anywho, here are some sort of updates (revelation!) of my life currently:
1) Resigned being a risk modeler! (Ah! How much I do not know if this is the right decision. Seriously!)
2) A new position at General Electric International Inc. as a Market Research Analyst (Corporate) (I am loving this so far)
3) Theater for Youth People at Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KL PAC) audition this weekend
- Ariel from The Tempest by Bill Shakespeare ("You are three men of sin!....")
- Man from Laughing Wild by Christopher Durang ("I was in the supermarket yesterday...")
- Tom from The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams ("I am going to opium dens...")
- Don't Explain by Billie Holiday.
Tim Howe, a theater instructor, a good friend of mine, whom I was involved in the creative process for his play recently, has got to say this; "Why you want to audition for such kids programme? You've got enough skills and experience to audition for an actual plays!". One thing about doing theatre in Malaysia is that the community needs to know you before you go for an audition for a regular play. You've gotta be Awie or Atilia to lead Lat the Musical, you've gotta be Nam Ron or Zahiril Adzim to be in Shorteyes! Look at who I am now? Yes, this is how I am going to start it. It's a 6-month programme that requires a full commitment. I am in it. (I've started to spell 'programme' with 'me'!)
Finally) I don't have to try so hard to have wonderful moments in my life. And now, I believe that God speaks to us constantly. And He speaks, not just with the words of the holy books, but also through the things that surround us; things which we see, smell and touch.
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